Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Add Kebetobia To Your Facebook!

Creating, building and adding a blog application to Facebook is much like dismantling a bomb. I know there are large groupings of preteens doubling over in laughter as they read this because they build these things on their iPhones as they drive down PCH and carry on a conversation how the color mauve is plotting to ruin their lives. It's me, I know.

That being said....we think we did it? Right? No? If that link over there on the right doesn't work search "Kebetopia" in the NETWORKED BLOGS section of Facebook. It is on the lower left hand corner of your browser under the APPLICATIONS tab. Bleerg.

Feel free to ask me your Uber-Advance Trig problems, questions about the after-life,, how to have your computer shake you a dry martini, and to send you my latest field guide - Translate EVERYTHING She is Saying.

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