Friday, June 20, 2008

Kebe in Kalgary

According to Wikipedia Calgary was ranked the world's cleanest city by Mercer Quality of Living in a survey published in 2007 Forbes. And as we all know, if it is on Wikipedia, it is stone hard fact. I heard they now have internet in prison, and spend most of their time writing facts on Wikipedia. Truth. I read it on Wikipedia.

SOOOO..... I spoke to Kristine today, and I really want to tell you a different story than the earlier entry about her being very tired. Really I do.

Turns out she didn't get into Calgary until around 1am Alberta Mean Time. Long drive.

"Beautiful drive, right?" - PM
"Oh man, it was unbelievable. Gorgeous" - KE
"What was the landscape like?" - PM
"Well..OH....Stampede! Yeah, we saw a stampede of cattle. Pete really, I have film, you will..." - KE
"Cattle are delicious" -PM
"They were brown." - KE

She promised to send me pics of the freshly stickered BMW, and some random cow pics. Stay tuned!

Folks, Bullrun is underway tomorrow! It's going to be huge! Let's see how clean the city is 20 minutes after the carbon footprint of Bullrun leaves town. It's going to be sweet - get out and see it if you are up there, because it is a true spectical. Say hi to Kristine and Marash!

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