Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sick but full steam ahead!

So every since I was little whenever I would feel extremely nervous or stressed out I would get silent reflux. Now that I'm older since I just found out apparently that when I get bad colds or sinus it triggers it.. Lucky me! I'm in the middle of all of these sessions, heavy music grind with new material etc & with the weather changing in NY I of course hit a little speed bump and get a sinus infection which in turned triggered my damn reflux & now the top of my vocal box is inflamed, again! lol You can just imagine this would make me freak out but I'm trying not to stress out about it. Luckily I have an amazing doctor who is on top of the situation with me to get me back in tip top shape! ; ) My biggest problem is trying to not strain myself & rest while I'm going over practicing and working on the new songs. On the bright side I've been able to really focus on some business things and meetings while I'm gearing up to throw myself back into studio mode!

Right now I'm getting ready to head downtown for an event with designer Yigal Azrouel & Rent the Runway. I've been a big fan of his designs and he now has a new contemporary line CUT25 that is to cute for words! For those of you who don't know I am a HUGEEE fashion junkie : P Really blessed that I'm at a part of my career that I'm available to be apart of these events. Lucky lucky girl for sure! The rest of the week into next I'll be doing a lot of sit down's with magazine which I'm really excited about! I'll try to be an extra good girl and blog more through it all ; )

Speaking of lucky I was sitting back earlier this morning and reflecting on everything that I have been through in the last couple of months and I'm really in an amazing place. I didn't share with you all at one point after the holidays I was going through a stressful time and I'm really proud of the woman that I've become that I'm able to see the light even in dark and not so comfortable situations. My life's lesson as many of yours might also be is patience. I've switched gears and learned a lot of how I want to live my life, do business and who I'll let really get that close to me. I'm in a really amazing place in my life right now and more then anything I'm protecting my soul. I have some really amazing people around me now both professionally and personally and I'm going to bed a night maybe a little over tired but excited for the next's days adventure with a HUGE smile in my heart. Sounds cheesy but I really wanted to share that with you guys. Especially since all of you have a lot to do with that happiness! You are making my dream a reality and making it grow every second! I can't wait for the future and to see where this journey will continue to take me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! -xoKEBE

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