Monday, February 2, 2009

Pancakes and Patriotism

Hi guys. We all know that Kristine has a decent video presence on the interwebs. Not only is she a superpower behind the mic, she has a natural ability to own the camera. It fills me with overwhelming feelings of rage and jealousy joy and warmy-ness.

Here at Kebetopia, we try to make your life easier when you need a quick Kebe fix. You go to her sites, you come here to this literary Tour de Force, and now you can go to her YouTube channel. We'll post all her current globe-trottings along with those old videos from your bookmarked homepage -

For example, you are watching the Super Bowl and all the trimmings and wonder how those people sing the National Anthem live like that without having total organ failure. Well, they lip-sync. If you don't believe me, maybe we should have a little talk about the tooth fairy and economic stability.

You wanna know who sings the Star Spangled Banner LIVE? Without a pre-recorded track, or changing her shorts mid-performance? That's right - Elezaj. Look, I found this on her YouTube page. Have fun, I'll see you at Denny's tomorrow for my free grandslam breaky. It's going to be crazy, people will get hurt. This is why I'm wearing a Sumo suit and ice-skates. Free bacon people.

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