Thursday, February 26, 2009

I think Derek & Kristine have done this before....

When Kristine discovered shopping, it was pretty much like chocolate discovering peanut butter. I'm sure this happened a long time ago, I'm know it was ages before I met her. She still hangs up on me when she has another call coming in on her Blackberry. She still even says, "Oh hold on, let me get this, it will only be a second." I know that our talk is over. That being said, she can shop like she's reciting The Odyssey from memory and wrestling a team of badgers at the same time. It's amazing. Spotting clutches from across the room, behind a fort of shoe boxes all the while, flinging her credit card like a throwing star at the register and the magnetic strip goes through right side up. It's kind of like seeing a real live ninja. You think to yourself, "Yuuhh, awesome...a friggin' ninja is looking right at me!" After that feeling, you are promptly overcome with fear.

This week, she may have meet her match. And by match, I of course mean spiritual leader. Kristine will be appearing on Derek Warburton's web series DEREK LOVES SHOPPING. If you haven't hit his site, you should now, it's ton's of fun. Be sure to check out his site on Friday for Kristine's shopping trip, and then everyday after and maybe you'll rethink that top you are wearing right now.

Here's a quick sneak peak at tomorrow's episode:

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