Friday, February 20, 2009

What time is it?!

I can't believe I am up right now, ha. Yes its 9am here but I literally just dragged myself out of bed. I am getting ready to head to rehearsals this morning at 10am. Talk about cutting it just a little close. I just had a very lovely bowl of cherrios and bananas. hehe Sorry it's taken me a bit to get on here and touch base with everyone. As promised though Pete has very nicely added another video to the site for you all to check out. =) As you'll see from the video I have been back in rehearsals and getting back into the studio writing and recording so AWESOME new material! That explains to reason of me being so tired. I have been pulling some very loonngggg nights recently and some early mornings. I can't get enough of it! lol Ferrari is not even given me a break. She was trying very hard last night to keep me awake and make me play with her while I was trying to sleep. She kept knocking my house phone off my night stand all night long.. It was scaring me death cause my rug didn't come yet for my bedroom so it sounded like a bomb was going off everytime it hit the floor.. As soon as I get to dance my energy will pump right back up. 
Well I better hop to it and finish getting ready. Hope everyone has a great day! =) 

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