Saturday, November 1, 2008

My BFF just heard me on Z100!!!!! AHHH

omg omg omg!! what??!!! Z100!!!! Im freaking out!!!
Im getting ready at my apartment waiting for my mom to get here cause we are going to do go over and do a sound check for my performance tonight at Level Lounge in Bay Ridge Brooklyn and my best friend Nicole calls me tells me that she was in the car and all of a sudden she hears a snippet of the remix version of my song Always come on!!! I was freaking out when she told me! I called my mom and she started screaming and put on z100 and not even like 10 mins after i got off the phone with her she called me back screaming YOUR ON THE RADIO!!!!! LOL Im like all alone in my apartment right now screaming and jumping like a weirdo! My neighbors must thing there is something seriously wrong with me! =P Couldn't wait to share the news with you all! If any of you get z100 I would love to know if you hear it come on! Also would be awesome to have you guys at the show tonight! I am off to call more peeps and tell them the exciting news! I'll post video and stuff of the performance I'm doing tonight for you as well!! ;)

1 comment:

jay206 said...

Was the single released to radio or was it a promotion for the gig?