I can't believe what happened today! Both Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson will both greatly be missed! Two icons in pop culture both taken on the same day?! Crazy!! Even though I was thinking about it on and off today and I was running around it's finally sitting and in and hitting me now that yes this actually did happen for real! My choreographer Manwe danced with Michael. I love sitting in rehearsals and listening to his stories about music videos that he as done with him and shows that he was apart of. I'm so upset that I never got a chance to see him live. I can only imagine that way Manwe feels having known him and haven shared the stage with such an AMAZING performer. Being a dancer myself I have always looked up to Michael and his talents since a very young age. Music seriously has lost something truly special that I don't think we will ever see again. He changed music as we know it. He changed live performances forever and was a genius when it came to music videos. He set the bar higher and higher with every release!
I was walking to dinner with my best friend Nicole earlier today. We were walking through the upper west side and seriously every block, bar, restaurant, and car along the way was BLASTING Michael's music. It was so weird and at the same time to look around and see what an impact he really did have on everyone! During dinner every 15 mins or so we would just be like omg I still can't believe it.
And Farrah Fawcett! Jeeze I LOVEDDDD charlie's angels. I wanted to be one, haha. She was soo beautiful! She aged beautiful! I was heartbroken when I first heard on the news she had cancer and then today, wow! Sometimes when I would get my hair done, even still today when my hairstylist's styles it people say my hair looks like hers when she used to do the flip. It was weird because as I got up from the chair today Amalia goes "look at you Farrah" =( so sad!!
It's amazing to look at all these two people have done in their career's and here I am just at the brink of starting my journey with mine. I only hope to be as lucky to have even a little bit of the impact both of them had on everyone in the entertainment industry! My heart and prayer's go out to both of their families! Let's celebrate two amazing lives that we had here with us! You both will be greatly missed and never forgotten!
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