This jet lag thing is def a pain in my tush! I meet up with one of my good bullrun rally friends last night Rachel Deadman and I felt like such the party pooper because my body was on NY time and by like 11pm I was down for the count. I haven't seen Rachel in almost a year so it was nice to catch up. We grabbed a drink in my hotel at the sky bar and the went over to foxtail for a little dancing but I didn't last very long.. lol However 6 am I was up staring at the ceiling =/ I look so tired in that pic! haha I have a nice tan going though woohoo!
So today is a pretty light easy day. I just have to go over to my PR's office to see my publicist's Joyce & Lauren and meet the stylist for my shoot on Thurs. and just go over some details for it. I'm really looking forward to it. Momma la's coming with! She's going to meet the west coast crew for the first time =) Before we head over there I'm going to show her around town for a little bit. She told me flying into LA that she hadn't been here since she a little younger then me. I'm playing tour guide this week for her. The weather is beautiful to and since NY has been a mess I'm looking forward to all the time I can get outside this trip! Not to hot and not humidity ;)
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