We all remember Kristine's holiday message on her site way back in 2008. Ahh....classic Christmas memories. In those days, I use to have lug ice from my stainless steel computerized ice crusher
all the way ACROSS the kitchen island to my
electronic martini shaker.* You kids don't know how easy you have it. But just like all those brownish, fire-hazard trees get tossed out to the side walk, it's time to move on. And how! K-tastic has promptly posted a new video message on her super-site,
kristineelezaj.com. Dot com! And being award season and all, she's tried to put something for everyone in there. There are shoes for the ladies, bikini talk for the guys and a stunning soundtrack for everyone.
I know all of you have downloaded ALWAYS from iTunes or Amazon already, but let's say you are driving the New Jersey turnpike to grab a late night cheese-steak in Philly when it hits you - "For the love of Snoopy, I forgot my iPod! Dang-nabb....oohh is that gum?" Simply turn your radio to
Pulse 87.7 New York's dance leader and start biting that upper-lip. Try to keep the car between the lines.
Let us know when you hear it! Remember, Kristine is the screen-door to our lives - she let's the fresh in.
My bad.

*like I'd ever use one of those! I just rent live in bartenders.
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