Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What are friends for ;)

Well this is officially one of the best feelings in the whole world hearing yourself on the radio. Yesterday I met up with my best friend Nicole for lunch to catch up and have some girl time. On the way driving home she was behind me and called my cell to tell me that she just called pulse and requested always. As soon as I get into the driveway and step out of the car she calls me back screaming to turn on the radio cause I'm on! LOL Not only that but they used her requested my song on the air. Nothing like best friends HAHA

KEEP THE REQUEST COMING!! =) Thank you everyone who has been calling and writing in requesting me! You guys are doing an amazing job! All the support is awesome! You guys rock!

So I don't know if you guys have checked out the website lately but there is a new video message up there for you to check out. Getting some prep done for the shoot which is tomorrow actually. I went outside once today and ran back in as quickly as possible. I think it's safe to say this is the coldest day of the winter so far. BRRRR!!! Sitting in a tub of ice cubs is probably warmer then being outside in NYC today. haha

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