Saturday, April 11, 2009

"thought I should let ya know" ....

The last couple of weeks have been go go go.. There has been so much to deal with and so much exciting stuff going on and coming my way. Just finished another shoot and got back the final pics the other day and I'm in love! The team is really pulling out all the stops and I'm having a ball working with everyone! As you guys know I've been in rehearsals and the show is almost done and ready for the road ;) I've been filming A lot a lot so you all could see as much behind the scenes as possible. We revamped some of the routines stepped it up BIG time. Can't wait for you all to see the show! 

"Always" has been doing really well on radio thanks to all of you!! I keep getting great news that more stations are either adding the record or bumping up the rotation!! Thanks again guys you are all amazing!!!

Yesterday I was in the studio with one of the most amazing songwriters EVER!! I was co-writing with the amazing Frankie Storm.. She's written for Britney & Rihanna to name a few ;) Finished writing a SMASHHH yesterday to one of Brandon Beal's beats called "Let You Know". ( He is such an amazing talented producer! I love his stuff and am looking forward to working together in the future. I have to lay down the final vocals on tues night in a session. I'm writing with Frankie again Wed. afternoon to another extremely talent production team's beat The Arsenal ( The suspense is killing me to see what we are going to come with!! 

Well in all of the excitement that has been going on with rehearsals, meetings, and studio session I have been lacking just one thing especially this last week and thats sleep.. So I'm going to go curl up on my sister's bed cause I'm spending the wknd up at my parents house for Easter. Hope you all have a great Holiday weekend!!! Check in with you all soon!! ;) xoxox

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