Look....take it easy. You have every right to be a bit pantie-bunched. You like your blogs, and you like them morning coffee fresh - fair enough. So let me bring you as much up to speed as I can. In addition, Kristine will be deboarding a plane from the great southwest sometime in the late hours of the eve, and she will personally give you as much first hand info as possible from the rally. Oh, and the chick has pictures. Lots of them. We'll post them. You'll heart them. If you're good, we might even put up a video. Yeah....I know. But she is at the airport, most likely even on a plane now. See that pic below, that's our girl with her teammate Mike Musto. They look extremely happy. And by happy I of course mean death warmed over.

The rally was packed with adventures, greasy foods, cars following them with pretty blue and red lights on their roofs, awesome scenery, parties that would make your liver cry, handcuffs, and those things cops use to bind your hands behind your back, and more. Kristine will have plenty-o-tales over the next weeks. I'm here to tell you that they pulled into their last check-point in Scottsdale, Arizona safe and snug. Remember my earlier post when I was all uber-excited because they polished off a champion leg of the rally in 8th place? Remember? Yeah you do. Well, I don't even know how to tell you about their finish into Scottsdale. I'm never at a lack for works. I love words. You know what...I'm not even going to say.
3rd. There, I said it. 3rd. Tell me something sweeter and I'll send this expired gift card from Cold Stone on my desk. Cake batter with peanut-butter is the Mona Lisa of desserts. Except I call it the Pete Michels. Delicious . . . agreed. Seriously, what the what? Amazing driving....
Folks, check back soon for a plethora of pictures. Kristine will give the dirt. She was about to tell me one of the tamer stories from the run a few hours ago, but didn't in case of phone tapping. I think that means it is going to be an interesting yarn. Point being - this site will continue - there is plenty more racing, updates, concert stuff, merch, tomfoolery, and multimedia. MULTIMEDIA!
A massive congrats to Marash and Kristine Elezaj. Two excellent drivers, and even better people. These guys impressed way beyond expectations - true rally Vets. Nice job guys! And if you think Kristine can drive, wait until you hear sing the eff out of her new album. It's silly awesome.
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