It's been a great beginning of the week so far! Today especially was a busy running literally all over the city for different meetings in the rain but everyone was everyone we had sit down's with where so much fun it made the day fly by. I'm gearing up for some sessions & will be heading back to LA soon while I was getting ready this morning I was doing some vocal exercises and practicing running through some of these new tracks. I'm also nearing the end of getting over that swollen vocal box situation so gotta keep working out my voice every second I can! ; ) Especially with plane rides coming up to top it off I have to be extra careful to take care of myself. Hate that my body is so sensitive like that, grr.
First meeting of the day with a lunch meeting at one of my fav spots in NYC Cafeteria with the senior editor of In Touch Magazine. Side note I had been talking about going to Cafeteria for the last couple of weeks because I was having a major craving for their buttermilk biscuits. Sorry major foody moment.. lol Their so yummy so high five for the meeting being there, HA! Then my publicist David and I were off to meet with the senior editor of Shape Magazine. Their new offices are all the way downtown a little below chelsea piers. I love it down there but I don't really go that often. The only time these days are if I have some sort of meeting in that area. I should visit more.. Both women were so very sweet btw and a lot of fun to hang with! It's so awesome meeting people in this business that just have super energy. Everything just flows & your spend a majority of the time laughing. I read Shape a lot to. I'm a workout nut and love trying different things to challenge my body. Always learning no matter what it is ; ) Before I knew it the day really did just blow right by..
After the meetings were done I went back with David to see all the girls up at the NY PR office. Weird that I live in NY & I hardly get up to that office. Funny in LA if I have any down time you can probably find me at EFG office on Joyce's couch in her office. That's my mamabear :D Love my publicist!
Good thing about this day I finished earlier then I thought so now I get to relax a bit. Have an event tomorrow I'll update you guys on and I'm still prepping for the show I have for the Illyria Gala on sunday. Soundchecks and all with the rest of the weeks madness.. ; ) Seriously love what I do makes me so happy!