I've been back in La la land a lot this month.. I flew back home for a few days and right back out again to go visit some radio stations in Michigan before heading back out to LA this trip. The stations out in Michigan were so sweet I loved visiting! I always get so nervous going and visiting stations because the meeting can go either really bad or their response to the music can we so amazing. Thankfully everyone we met with that trip had nothing but amazing compliments about the "Souvenirs" and the some of the tracks from the rest of the album..
Now I'm back in LA rehearsing for a show that I have tomorrow night at the Roxy on Sunset. I have off today and just chilled with my dad who flew into town for the show. Yesterday I was in rehearsals with one of my choreographers Ramon. We were working on some changes for "Souvenirs". I'm back home to NY on the 3rd and then right back out to LA for more shows on the 7th. I must say I'm really missing my fam and my kitty Ferrari. But work is amazing as ever and I'm loving every min of it! Thanks for all your support guys! The album is almost here and it's going to be amazing!! ;) xo