Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Behind the Scenes!
Here it is!! The behind the scenes footage for my show and a little sneak peak from rehearsals for my next single Souvenirs!! Enjoy!! I've been trying to make them smaller to fit but I'm not getting it =/ You can check them out on Youtube to view them properly.. Sorry guys haha
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Just wanted to send some very special birthday wishes today my amazing Mother and my insanely talented producer Paul Edmunds of the Arsenal!!!!!! =) All the best wishes for another blessed year!
Friday, July 24, 2009
5, 6, 7, 8!!
I just got in from rehearsals! My feet are screaming but today was such an amazing day!! We were shooting the 2nd day of behind the scenes for the show and my choreographer Kevin had invited some people in the industry to come and watch to put more pressure on us.. haha What was really cool was that half way through rehearsals we decided to let the people in the hallway outside come in and get a 1st look at the show. They loved it!! Made me feel so good! We have been working our butts off and seriously it looks bananas! Everyone was so sweet I enjoyed doing it for them. My fav was this little girl Danielle who came in and watched. She was rehearsing in the room next door and her mother was sitting outside watching through the window into the room. Her face when she saw the show was exactly what we needed. She reminded me of when I was her age and how much I loved performing and just wanted to soak in everything and learn all that I could about everything entertainment! I gave her a copy of the "Let You Know" single I'm so happy there was one with us. haha
I'm going to be posted the behind the scenes up I think in the next day or so. The video crew is going to be editing everything together now.
We have about a week off from rehearsals until coming back in for the video shoot rehearsals. My sch is JAMMED the next coming weeks. Back to back rehearsals, video shoot, going out to Atlantic City for a day in between all that then back in for the final rehearsal before the shows start! I hope anyone who can come got their tickets for the party 105 WDRE MEGAJAM show!! It's going to be sick!
ok, I'm off to decompress from todays craziness. Tonight I am going again with Kevin to Rhapsody's show Siren's Assassins! IT WAS AMAZING!! Her vision and choreography for that show blew me away. Can't wait to go again!! ;)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wow I feel off the updating bandwagon the last 2 weeks! =/ I was just sitting here listening to a remix that Mike Rizzo did from me for my single "Let You Know" It is INSANE!!!! I love hearing remixes of my songs! This one is def top of the list of my favs!
When I was in rehearsals today I got an email from my PR telling me that I was in OK online Magazine in the spotted section. They were talking about me being seen on the Bullrun Rally.. haha too cool! =P
I will upload some pics from the rally really soon! My camera is in my glove box and the car is on a truck heading back from Austin now. I think it gets back tomorrow so they are coming I promise.. lol
Rehearsals with Kevin Ramon are going AMAZING!! the show is going to be bananas! Hope you guys all got your tickets for MEGAJAM! Go to for details if you haven't!! It's going to be sick! We have cameras coming and filming during tomorrow and Friday's rehearsal. We'll have a bunch of sneak peek and behind the scene footage for you! Stay tuned! ;)
Check out my twitter for all the latest min to min updates!
Monday, July 6, 2009
MEGAJAM tickets on sale 2day!!!!!
Also if you haven't went to itunes and checked out my single "Let You Know" go and check it out! I'll be performing that song for the show you won't want to miss it! It's going to be a great performance!!!
Thanks for all of your support and amazing birthday wishes!! New Year, new chapter and I'm so lucky to have the people I have in my life and all of my amazing fans! You all mean the world to me! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart! love you all!! xoxoxox
Sunday, July 5, 2009
"Let You Know" is available!!!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Heading home..

I'm also wearing another one of Erica Anenberg's rings in the pic ;) LOVE IT!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
What an amazing shoot!

Seriously had an AMAZING time on the shoot today!! Everyone worked their butts off and it really could not have gone any better!! I enjoyed everyone we laughed and had a ball the whole time! Wanted to share some behind the scenes shots I got on my camera. Can't wait to get the pics back and share them with all of you!
1st pic is my glam squad! Left to right is FABBBB stylist Taylor Bass, hair the amazing Amalia Moscoso and the gorgeous makeup was done by the brilliant Garret Gervaise! The Other tow pics are with 2 of my fierce Publicist Alexis Wallsh and Lauren Magboo! We're missing pics with Joyce Sevilla and my Valeria Carrasco. The girls took shifts coming to the shoot. LOVE you guys!! You are the best! You rocked out today for me!!!!!! big kisses and hugs to all my girls!! =)
Tomorrow afternoon its back to the NY. I hope it not raining by the time I get back home. I've out in LA for the whole week and its been nothing but sunshine and simply perfect weather. I'll be back soon though ;)
It's shoot day!
Woohoo Finally the day is here! Today is the big photoshoot for all my press pictures!! I got up and took my shower and let me just tell you the fake bake looks unbelievable! haha It's totally even & golden! I just ordered some tea and driving myself crazy looking for my ipod wire to charge it a little more before we head out.. I have to be at the studio at 9am. I have about and hour before I have to get over there. Oh, I got this amazing lotion & same sent perfume downstairs from the spa that I've wearing right now that smells delicious! I don't know if I can get it in NY so I think I'm going to be another bottle before I have to go back home tomorrow. lol
Well I'm going to go relax a little more because today is going to be a long day. I'll check in with you guys from the shoot. I'll be on my twitter =) xo
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
We love Erica Anenberg!
One of my amazing publicist Lauren had some Erica Anenberg jewelry sent over to my hotel room for me and mom to look at. Yesterday all my publicist were wearing different pieces from her collection and her stuff is sooooo pretty and different! One of my fav things that I got was the double bow ring. It's the ring thats on my hand in the pic. Sorry about the flash in my face I was trying to get a pic of the ring next to the fake bake tan.. lol. I got a couple different double rings actually. My mom picked out some stuff for herself and we got some pieces to take home to my sister as well. I can't wait to give them to her! =) We all got initial necklaces to. So cute!!
Well tomorrow is the big day! Gotta get those press pics right! I'm really excited! I talked with the photographer on the phone a little bit ago. We're shooting with Bradford Rogne. SUCH a doll!! He's going to be a pleasure to work with he was sooo sweet over the phone! Makeup is going to be done by Garret Gervais. He did Britney's circus stuff and her ad for candies and of course my amazing hair stylist Ms. Amalia Moscoso! It's going to be a great day. I'm taking lots of video and will be twittering from set tomorrow!
LA is treating me very nicely!! Thank you everyone for being so sweet to me! Love you all!! xoxo
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