In the midst of everything going on these days I didn't realize that I haven't checked in and touched base in a few weeks. Thats so bad =/
Well today was actually a weird day. Got up this morning and it still looked like it was the night before. The sun wasn't up and it looked like it was going to rain until the whole city was under water. Needless to say it did rain but only for 20mins and then the sun started peeking out. Very strange. Really messed with my energy today. I had rehearsal today downtown and after getting up to that mess I felt like I was going to work at midnight.
I'm back in rehearsals with Manwe getting ready to head out for some spot dates on tour with whom I don't know if I can officially give up the goods here but it is "official" that you will see me on the road starting in Sept!!! =) Just for sept I am going to be doing the whole east coast!! Can't wait I'm ready ready ready to go go go! ha I've been back in rehearsals for the past 2 weeks. My dancers are getting back in with me when I get back from Barbados. I have to head down there on Friday to finishing working on the last track for the album. I'll be down there for the weekend and heading home on monday. =) I've never been before so I'm really looking forward to going. I'm so thankful that I get opportunities to go and work in places like that. I really have a great team! Yup, I'm one lucky girl!
So on a personal note I got a cat. Yes, her name is Ferrari. haha of course ;) If you were wondering why I have the pic of the cat in this entry. Yes that's my girlie! I actually have had her for I think 2 months now. I got her from the shelter in NYC. She was 7 months old and to cute! I can't believe that people could just give up animals. I wanted to take the whole shelter home with me. It breaks my heart seeing them all locked up in there. So needless to say Ferrari is already spoiled. I was in LA in mid July and found the cutest hoodies for her. ha Yes sick I know putting my CAT in clothing. She's looking at me right now trying to hit the keys as I type. It's taking me extra long to write this because of it.
Well I'm going to hope off and go make myself some dinner. I'm hunggrryyy.. Oh and before I forget. Keep an eye out on the websites (official, myspace etc) I've been prepping for a photoshoot the past week, which is happening this wed. All the sites are going to be getting a makeover. Expect new stuff and updates soon!