Got up early this morning which is strange because I actually have the chance to sleep in as long as I want for the next few days. Well now I can make the most of my days off my starting the day bright and early. It's raining here though. Tonight we are going to my dad's brothers house and then tomorrow heading to my mom's sisters for christmas day. I'm going to be making a few trips to Greenwich over the holiday break as well. It's so weird I feel like I'm in an entirely other world being up here. Even though I visit all the time. With everything going on being here and it being the holidays and I guess you do your year reflection my life has seriously changed a lot over the last year. And what a fast year it was! I think this was the fastest year of my life. ha
Well I hope all of you are having a great holiday! Staying warm (or cool) wherever your holiday finds you. I'm looking forward to the new year and wish nothing but the best to you and your families during the holiday season!!